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My Schooling

September 2021

High school has been very stressful and I know it's only going to get more stressful. At the start of the school year my parents already told me what they are expecting of me and I'm scared to disappoint them because they've done so much for me. Even coming back in person has been stressful because I haven't seen most of my classmates in two years and now they're all here in front of me. I know that my senior year will take a toll on me with senior essays, college applications, and capstone but I have to try and stay positive about this year because it's that last one. Although it might be hard I know that senior year will come with a lot of positive things and a lot of memories. I can't wait for my senior night for soccer, to go to prom, and everything else I will experience. Something that really scares me though is not getting into the college that I apply to. I know that everyone's afraid but it scares me because my parents don't believe that I will actually attend college and I want to prove them wrong. Although capstone will be a very intense experience I hope that as long as I stay on track and on top of everything that it will turn out good. I’ve already talked with my mentors so that's one less thing that I have to worry about. And just last week I got all the material that I need in order to start making the bracelets I hope to sell, so hopefully I will begin to make them this weekend.  If all goes well I hope to raise enough money in order to donate things to the ladies staying in these homes. I also was thinking about doing activities with the kids who left their home with their mom or dad since they probably don't go out much. I was thinking maybe bringing books or doing activities with them like drawing, I mean it would all depend on how old they are and what they enjoy doing. Also after speaking with a friend of mine she said that many people would come in during Christmas and dress up like Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus so maybe if I find someone to help me I can do that for them this year. Maybe I could also make little goody bags to give away to them with some material that they might need. I am looking forward to seeing my capstone come out this year and I hope I accomplish everything that I have running through my head.

October 2021

Although this month has felt long and stressful I’m excited that I've moved along with my capstone and actually showing some progress. I’ve made some bracelets and have also announced that I will be selling them throughout the month of October. But selling them also makes me a bit scared because what if people don't like them, so I’m unable to sell a decent amount. Not only did I begin making bracelets but I was also able to attend Prudence Crandall's “silent no more candlelight vigil” which made me feel many different emotions during the whole event. Going to the Candlelight Vigil was an experience that will forever be engraved into my memory. Simply when just arriving at the building you are blown away by all the bags with candles lighting them up and marking the pathway to the main entrance makes you stop and think for a moment. So many lives are lost to domestic violence every day simply because the abuser takes it too far. This made me feel upset but also sad because things like this in the world happen and it’s not spoken enough about. The whole event was just breathing taking from lighting the candles to hearing the speaker tell her truth. This definitely an event that I would try and wish to attend in the future years as well. Through this month it’s been very time consuming, but a good moment that came out of it was making the bracelets because my older brother helped me make them. Me and my brother were able to sit down one day and began making the bracelets and my mom was also with us helping and conversing all together. It was really fun making these and it makes me feel good knowing that I am going to be doing something that will help others. It also felt good to know that I was making some progress with my capstone and actually putting it into play. I just hope that everything goes well and I’m able to sell the majority of the bracelets that I make. If anything that would be a top worry of mine, not being able to sell lots of bracelets. But if everything goes as planned it will all turn out amazing.

October 2021

Quarter 1 was a little chaotic but I made some progress in my capstone and have been trying to accomplish the goals I set for myself. I've advanced in my field work hours and even sold a lot of bracelets yesterday. So far I have raised around $200 so far but hope to raise even more. As for our assignments I think I could’ve done better on my research paper and could have written some better things in it. I think that as someone going to college next year I didn’t put my all into it and should put more effort into it. I kept going blank when trying to write my paper so I kept pushing it off instead of being a grown up about it and shut everything off and write it with no distractions. I like some of what I wrote but feel as if I should have written more and done more research about my paper. But as for my fieldwork I think I'm doing pretty well with that. I have a couple hours from my main capstone of raising awareness for domestic violence and many hours from mentoring. As far as mentoring has been going, I think there's been some progress with my mentee but I wish it would have kept going on the positive road instead of negative. We’ve had a few dumpy stops but she’s shown that she is maturing not much but is showing good growth. I hope that I can get her to turn in her work more often and try to control the way she expresses herself so that another incident like we had before. But going on the field trip helped push me out of my comfort zone by speaking up more.Wish has also helped me alot with being able to talk with my mentee. I’m not really someone who likes to have to get serious with someone but going on that field trip helped me realise that it's okay to be like that when needed. I hope she and her stay on the right track and set some goals for her to achieve. This month has been a handful but I hope that I can make progress with raising awareness for domestic violence and also make some progress with my mentee. I hope that everything goes well and makes some positive changes. I'm a bit scared but I know I have to put one foot out the door in order to get things done.

November 2021

The month of November has been very chaotic and exciting. I’ve made big progress with raising awareness for domestic violence and am proud that I was actually educating people from my own community. It made me feel like I was actually making at least 1% of change in the world by educating my community on what domestic violence really is. I think it was my aha moment because I felt like I was doing something. It made me feel like someone as small as me can do something like this to help her own people out in the world. But as for mentoring I don’t feel as though I’m making much progress with my mentees. To be honest I was scared at first because I don’t always communicate in the best way and am a bit shy so having to go out and be like a role model to someone younger scared me. So in a way it’s helping me push myself and be more open with people and at first I did think I was making some  with my first mentee but then it started going downhill but I still believe she can improve her behavior. As far as my second mentee I haven’t really talked with her much but I’m really hoping that with my menteeprogresss being best friends it will help with trying to improve their behavior in class. I think that if I can get one to behave a little better than the other mentee will follow and behave better as well. But as of right now I want to focus more on controlling their temper which I know is going to be difficult because I was exactly like them at that age but know it can still be possible. I want to try some breathing activities and strategies to do when they feel they're being to get upset so they can control it and not take it out on the teacher and adults but also so they won’t be arguing as much in school and learn that sometimes just staying quiet and letting the other person cause a distraction is better not only for them but for the very one. So once they get back to school that is how we are going to start of the week maybe some meditating or doing some activities they even enjoy or bring to the table would help and help build our relationship as well so they know that even if they do get in trouble or cause something that I’m here to firstly hear them out on what happened, and then talk it out and explain that maybe they could’ve go about it in a different matter or hopefully if they do the right thing congratulate them on being the bigger person.

December 2022

Although this year has gone by very fast there has been a lot of pros and cons that came with it. I feel like this month I didn't do all that I could’ve. I should’ve pushed myself more and put more effort into my studies, but my mentality was not there. Next month I want to change that. I want to put more action into my capstone and improve more. As far as mentoring is going I feel as if there's not much progress happening anymore. The girls just don't seem to care about anything and having to say the same thing over and over to them feels exhausting. I just wish they would show some good things to show that this isn't all for nothing, that I am their mentor and we are seeing some kind of change. I don't think I really handled the whole situation as best as possible. I feel as if they just see us as they are friends who are the same age and grade as them. But that is something I have to work on. I have to set some more boundaries. I love that they see me as a friend and they are comfortable with talking about anything with me but I still need them to know that there are situations where I am the adult and they need to listen more. So that is what we will be working on. As far as them showing any improvements they have been doing some more of their work but they aren't turning in as much work as I wish they were. This month was what I describe as a slow month for me because I was dealing with things out of school along with things in school as well, and I didn't do all I could have been doing. Although I know I think as an adult, this month I was acting like a teenager and not taking all the advantages I should have been taking and after sitting back and reflecting on that I realized that sometimes I have to put my personal issues aside and act like an adult. I was too focused on me and didn't focus on my capstone nor my mentees the way I should have been. But next month I am going to do better, because in order to move along with both of my capstones I have to put my focus and all into it. I wouldn't say this was my best month but I will not say it was the worst either because I have moved along with my mentees a little more than last month. Although we still have to work on their behavior, they aren't skipping as much as they used to do before, they have improved a little more with doing and turning in their work, and are improving some of their attitude towards their adults. I don't think that these girls are the worst as everyone seems to think of them. I just think they are misheard and I understand how they are feeling because we have all been in their shoes. Whether we act like that at home or in school but everyone has felt how they are at least once in their lives. I think they just need someone to hear them out and they need to know that the whole world isn't against them, that they have someone in their corner to hear them out about what is going on and direct them in the right direction. Although our responses aren't always what they want to hear, they understand where we are coming from and can at least acknowledge when they are the ones in the wrong and why.

January 2022

January was very chaotic for me, it was the start of a new year and went nothing how I expected. As far as my mentoring is going it's gone very downhill with the two 7th graders and their behavior. Entering the new year I thought they would try and be at least in the slightest more attentive with school but it was indeed the opposite. They were involved in more drama and were skipping class even more. So the decision was made to part ways for the best because my teachers advised me that although I might have made a connection with these girls, I still have to put myself first and focus on my well being. It felt as if I was putting all my time and effort into trying to get them on the right path but they never tried working more or even compromising with me about situations. So I had to put myself first after realizing after being with them for half a year they still haven't changed anything in their behavior or classwork. But now that mentoring wasn't consuming so much of me I started focusing more on my main capstone and how I can try and get it out there more and be more known. So I came up with the idea of selling my bracelets again but for it to actually get around the school and my classmates know about what I am doing. That's where I feel like I went wrong. I let the teachers decide when I could go into their classroom, and the majority of the teachers didn't even sign up for the presentation time. And since no teachers were signing up I couldn't get the world around as much as I would've liked too, so this time I was to plan out a day where I can be in the lobby and announce what my capstone is focused on. I also decided to put up flyers announcing when I would start selling my bracelets again and for how much they would be sold for around the high school and middle school side of the school. With this hopefully I can at least reach a total of 200 donations from selling my bracelets. So I might have failed with one side of my capstone but I’m not going to let it discourage me. I'll take that time and effort and place it towards making awareness of domestic violence. So hopefully next month will bring more brightness than darkness.

February 2022

 February definitely was so much better compared to January. I got a new mentee who is honestly so much calmer and expresses herself better as well. And we can relate on so many more topics. It's honestly so great. It feels like I can finally breathe and not be on my toes all the time. As far as my capstone, I sold another batch during this month. I thought it was a great idea because February is about love since Valentine's Day falls during this month. So my thought was to make even more awareness since the month was about relationships and they need to know they’re resources that will help them if they are in this situation. I made a poster saying what I was doing and where all the profits were going towards. This time around was so much better than the first time, I believe that since I was in front in the very morning it’s what everyone was seeing and were buying more and more slowly. The word even got around with the staff and the lunch and janitors came to buy some bracelets also. I even was able to have a good conversation with one of our security guards and she even shared her own story with me. It was so heart touching because it finally let me see that I was even helping people in my own school and able to share that with her. A lot of my fellow classmates were buying bracelets and I sold so many that people were asking if I would be making any more. So that was something I added to my list and decided if I will be selling another batch of bracelets. It was so emotional seeing how many people were actually coming up to me and asking if I was the senior selling bracelets. Ari, a junior , even asked me if I would be selling bracelets again and if I would let him know. So I can’t really complain too much about this month overall. Mentally and physically it was good for me and it was the push I needed to get me going again and take me out of this little funk I was in because I felt like nothing was going right. So overall this month really lifted me back up because so many positive things were occurring this month after having a bloomy last latest months

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